The FrAnkeY MAniFesTo


A public declaration of my life principles.


  1. Love.
  2. Laugh.
  3. Live presently.
  4. Cultivate positive relationships.
  5. Be yourself.
  6. Look after yourself.
  7. Be grateful.
  8. Be vulnerable.
  9. Never stop growing. 
  10. Respect everyone and everything.
  11. Give.
  12. Stand up for what is right. 
  13. Explore and learn. 


The nitty-gritty


Ain't no order to it. 


  1. Love.


The truest love is born from honesty.


Love whom and what is most important to you. Love openly and expressly. Love deeply. Love yourself. Love the way you want to. Acknowledge that everyone loves differently. Respect and celebrate the love of others. 


  1. Laugh.


Smile. Have fun. Do not take life too seriously. Seek laughter for you and for others. Do not laugh at others. Laugh fully. Smile again. Be funny. 


  1. Live presently.


Make the most of the present. Do not hesitate. Go with your gut. Meditate. Focus. Breathe. Slow down. Be patient. Let go. Accept the unknown. Acknowledge all thoughts. You are the locus of control. 


  1. Cultivate positive relationships.


Prioritise family. Cultivate friendships. Develop and maintain positive relationships. Associate yourself with good people. Forgive. Immerse yourself among role models. Understand the perspective of others.


  1. Be yourself.


Do not let others define you or control you. Define your own happiness and pursue it. Do not be afraid to say no. Let others be themselves. 


  1. Look after yourself.


Get good sleep. Cultivate a healthy body and healthy mind. Be mindful of your limits. Do not overextend yourself.  Know when to concede. Do not overindulge. Validate your emotions. Make time for repair. Afford yourself indulgences. 


  1. Be grateful.


Be appreciative. Express gratitude. Focus on the positive. Learn from every experience. 


  1. Be vulnerable.


Be honest with yourself and with others. Acknowledge your flaws. Acknowledge that you will never have all the answers. Ask for help. Take risks and take yourself beyond the comfort zone. Do not fear judgement. Apologise and acknowledge responsibility where appropriate. Do not be afraid to take the first step. 


  1. Never stop growing. 


Realise that life is a journey of constant growth. Accept that you can always be better and do better. Do not be complacent with your current state of affairs. Explore how you can improve every aspect of your life. Be open minded. Never stop learning. Eliminate bad habits. Cultivate good habits. Acknowledge and work on your weaknesses. Hone your strengths. Constantly reassess. Try again. 


  1. Respect everyone and everything.


Acknowledge that everyone is different. Respect yourself. Respect the welfare of animals. Respect the environment. Respect the decisions of others. Respect the circumstances of others. Respect the privacy of others. Eliminate prejudice. Do not purport to understand someone other than yourself. Acknowledge and respect differences in lifestyles and beliefs. Acknowledge your mistakes and make amends. 


  1. Give.


Donate yourself. Give time. Act to benefit the lives of others. Give effectively. Avoid gratuitousness. Avoid excess. Avoid waste. Give without expectations of return. 


  1. Stand up for what is right.


Acknowledge your privileges and protect the rights of others. Pursue the equal balance of power. Promote equality and diversity. Stand up against all forms of discrimination. Oppose abuses of power. Oppose violence.


  1. Explore and learn. 


Learn about the world. Acquaint yourself with those whom you love. 


  1. Be kind.


Kindness to others is kindness to yourself. 

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